Friday, April 10, 2009


Yesterday, Trent and I had been talking about how we are going to need to get a gate for the bottom of the stairs because Kailyn would soon be climbing up them. About 15 minutes after that conversation, I looked over and saw Kailyn on the first landing of the stairs which is up three stairs. I had to call Trent back and laugh because we had just said she would be doing that. So until I go shopping for another gate, we just have to carry the one we have up and down the stairs depending on where we are hanging out. Also, Trent had to get a new keyboard for his computer so I gave the old one to Kailyn to play with. She loved it. Hopefully this will keep her from always trying to beat on mine!

She was peeking out between the rails looking at me on the couch from this little landing!

Beating her own keyboard now

She's so proud - and getting good at smiling for the camera

1 comment:

Sharrard Family said...

I think kids come out smart! Siera loves the key board too! :)