Saturday, August 16, 2008


Things have been extremely hectic. As cute as she is, Kailyn has been quite a handful. Since about 3 weeks old she has been very fussy - colic is what we think. She just wants to be held constantly and even then she still cries a lot. We also have not gotten into a good sleeping or eating routine yet. She sleeps for 2 hours max at a time and wants to eat every 1-2 hours. We have recently gone to soy formula and she doesn't cry as much so maybe things will get straitened out soon. Otherwise, everyone says colic goes away by 3 months. Only 2 more months to go then :)

We will be blessing Kailyn in Pocatello, ID on August 31. I will try to get announcements made up and out for it. Can't wait to see everyone!


The Dipo's said...

Keep looking up Jessica, it gets better, promise! She is turning out to be sooooo cute! Call or email if you need anything!

Chelsea said...

I well definately try to make it to the blessing! Let me know when and where and all that! She is just darling!