Friday, May 16, 2008

Baby Update

Okay, lets catch up a little bit more. Two weeks ago Trent and I were down in Vegas. I was just shy of being 30 weeks along and we had the 3-D/4-D ultrasound done. Kailyn weighed in at 4 lb. 10 oz. Based off of measurements of her little bones they averaged me to be 33 weeks along and estimated my due date to be June 20th (we have been planning on July 14th)!

So today I had an appointment and I discussed the OB report from the ultrasound with my doctor. As I suspected, he does not think I am that far along (they even told me in Vegas that the later you have an ultrasound, the less accurate they are just because all babies grow at different rates) and that he thinks we will just have a larger baby (and by larger I don't mean gigantic, but in the 8 lb. range).  I asked if that meant she was unhealthy or if she was putting on too much weight and he said absolutely not. He also does not think I have put on too much weight and my glucose test came back fine so I do not have gestational diabetes. So it seems all is well, which we are thankful for! Oh, but the doctor did say he may have me get another ultrasound done at 37-38 weeks to check on the size of the baby and I may have a choice of doing a C-section. I don't know how I feel about this. Both options sound scary to me so I think I won't worry about it now and just see how things go! :)

In more medical related news, we have found that Trent is allergic to....something. We don't know what. This week we are going to test a strawberry theory at home while we wait for the allergist to run more medical tests. A big unknown in our strawberry theory so far: "Do McDonalds' strawberry milkshakes contain any real strawberries?" Usually I don't like to ask these kinds of questions about fast food places I eat at....I don't want to know.....if it tastes good just let me enjoy it! But I guess I will have to do some research. 

Besides all that, not much exciting has been going on. Today we have a high of 78 and then it should be in the 80's until next Wednesday. It has been great! Earlier this week Trent mowed the lawn for the first time (which is kind of sad since it is May but we have had snow until now) and he also got to take his dirt bike out to the local track for the first time this year. He was thrilled and I was thrilled for him because I know how much he loves to ride.

I had hoped to update this page a little more often than every week but I don't really have that much to say. Maybe now that the weather is nicer we can get out and do more so I will have something more exciting to write about other than medical issues! I hope everyone is doing well!

Love, T&J


The Dipo's said...

The delievery of a baby is scary, but is so wonderful! If I may put my own vote in for ya.... I would definately just go ahead with the vaginal delivery, it is faster recovery time, it's a rush when the baby is out and you see him/her for the first time and you don't have a scar on your belly. :o) Those are my two cents.

Justin *Anna *Daisy *Lily *Violet said...

Glad you are doing well. I love the pictures on the side. The 4-d pictures are so neat huh. I injoy looking at mine. I think they are cute, but I guess not everyone does. Someone told me they thoght it was gross looking. Also about delivery I wouldn't get a C-section unless you have too. If she needs to come early they can induce you.